Wellcome , you are the visitor number .
Who we are?
We are the RoGi Team, the only robotic team of Spain and the oldest of the European Union

What do we do?
A new technological concept: intelligent agents and football

What did we achieve?
- We are among the first classified teams in the 1996-1999 world championships
- A big international mediatic impact
- To combine sport and cutting edge technology
- Awake the interest and sympathy of the younger generations, and not so younger...

Which is our target?
We want to be the champions in Japan 2002 world championship

You are all invited to dream...
Visit http://rogiteam.udg.es, or contact to rogiteam@eia.udg.es,  Fax/+34 972 41 80 98. Come over and go with us in our track towards the football mondial champioship

Contact adress / RogiTeam
Director / peplluis@eia.udg.es
Webmanager / webmanager@songoku.udg.es